Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What's the magic number?

J took me out to lunch today and we had a nice talk about our transfer tomorrow. We've been spending lots of time lately discussing how many embryos we should transfer. Last time we used 3, but it was a 3-day transfer. With a 5-day transfer our chances will be better and our odds increase.

J feels strongly that we should transfer as many as we possibly can. He argues that at this point we still don't even know if I can get pregnant so we should give it all we have. Last time I disagreed with him, but now I'm on board. It's amazing how an IVF BFN can change your thinking.

Provided we still have plenty of healthy embies tomorrow, we expect that our doctor will recommend transferring 3. If that's the case we will ask for 4. It seems that the doctor has much more say in the transfer than we do so it may not do any good. We both also know that you can't plan in advance what you will do on the day of transfer. That is what makes tomorrow so exciting and scary.

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