Monday, June 9, 2008


For the record, I think analyzing symptoms during IVF is a waste of time. With the amount of Progesterone I'm on the side effects are crazy. I know that there isn't a single symptom out there that I can count on to assure a BFP. I promised myself that I would keep track of how I'm feeling in the 2WW this time. I want to have a record for comparison if, God forbid, I have to do this again.

So, until today I've had what I would describe as an achy abdomen. It wasn't cramps but just a dull ache that I am sure is due to the stims and ER. This afternoon I briefly experienced some cramping for the first time. Today the shots seem to be catching up with me. My energy level is shot and I am so tired. Unfortunately I'm too anxious to sleep. I wish I could just go to sleep and wake up on Sunday :) I'm also starving (again, progesterone) and peeing every 20 minutes (lovely).

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