Friday, June 6, 2008

Show Me the Embies!

Well here they are. Our 3 beautiful blasts are on the left. And just for comparison you can see our previous day 3 embies on the right. I think it's amazing that you can count every cell in a day 3 embryo (8-10 cells) but by day 5 there are too many cells to count (approx 150-200).

J has been reading up on blasts and we were surprised to find out that by day 5 the cells are already separating into "placenta cells" and "fetus cells". I know, my terminology is impressive.
It's crazy that little blobs can mean so much to me. Hopefully they are all getting cozy and settling in for a nice long stay. It's been exactly 24 hours since the transfer so implantation may have already happened. I'm just praying and praying and praying that they're hanging on.

1 comment:

Ariella said...

They look great! I am so glad you guys had some to freeze to. Those little snowbabies will make GREAT siblings!