Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Fantastic Four..... Frozen Embies

I was just taking to J and telling him that I don't know what in the world we will do if this IVF doesn't work. It's overwhelming to think of what our next step might look like. Then in the middle of our conversation the phone rang. It was Dr.D's office calling to tell us that 4 blasts made it to freeze!! Wow, how's that for an answer to my question?

We knew that we would be able to freeze two. We were told that on the day of our transfer. At that point we also had 4 "slow growers" that the embryologists were going to watch. They didn't sound very hopeful that any of them would make it. I was really expecting that none of them would make it. So it turned out that two of them were little fighters and they ended up making it to blast after all :)

This is just one more incredible blessing to add to the list this week. Also, for what it's worth, 4 has always always always been my favorite/lucky number. So that's tight.

1 comment:

shawna said...

I am so happy for you. My wish for this cycle is to have something to freeze in the end, so I understand your joy. I hope that you won't need the frozen embryos anytime soon though. I will be thinking about you.