Friday, August 15, 2008


....I'm so hesitant to post this because it might just be my imagination. To call it a line would be an exaggeration. I saw the faintest hint of a pink shadow on my test this morning. I'm not calling this a BFP. It's not nearly dark enough for that. The only thing I can say is that it's not blank and I haven't had any HCG in 2 months.

I've been testing for several days and getting increasingly pissed off by BFNs. I've already cried my eyes out over this cycle failing. I even made J take me to a movie yesterday to get my mind off of this crap. In the middle of the movie I broke out in a cold sweat and had to do everything I could to keep from throwing up. I chalked that up to my headache medicine (even thought it's never had that effect before). Then we had dinner after the movie and as soon as we got home I was running to the bathroom with dry heaves. Again, it's most likely that all of my meds are making me feel crummy but I'm praying that it's a pregnancy symptom. How crazy do you have to be to pray for nausea?

1 comment:

theworms said...

Praying that lines gets darker and darker! I pray for nausea everyday :)
GL, GL, GL!!!