Saturday, August 9, 2008

Oh My Aching Head

I don't have much to report since I'm stuck here on bed rest watching the Olympics. My only realization is that the FET drugs do not agree with my head. I'm working on my 3rd day in a row of migraine pain. I've been fighting chronic migraines for about 9 years. I've always been concerned about getting pregnant because the only medication that works well for me isn't approved for pregnancy (of course).

Anyways, the years of TTC have been a nightmare for managing migraines. I could take my meds before I ovulated and then I would try my hardest not to in the 2ww. Sometimes, early on, I would have a huge migraine in the 2ww and have to take meds. Then I would worry myself sick that I had hurt our baby. The worry was always pointless.

My RE won't allow me to take my meds during treatment because it will restrict blood flow to my uterus. I have been very very lucky to avoid major migraines through most of my treatment cycles. However, this FET is turning out to be a different story. In preparation for the transfer I started taking estrogen and progesterone injections twice daily. The combination is wreaking havoc on my head. Dr. D has tried to treat my past headaches using Vico.din with little luck. Now my only option is Oxy.codone. I've been taking it now for 3 days and I don't see an end in sight for this headache. Every 6 hours when the oxy wears off the pain comes right back. I know that I'll be fine but I'm a little uncomfortable plowing through these narcotics. Hmmm...

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