Yesterdays transfer turned out so much better than I expected. I went in at 9:30 for acupuncture. Things went quickly and I got all set up with the needles but still no word on our embryos. My acupuncturist didn't want us to be tortured anymore so she went off to find the embryologist and get the number. She came back happy and told us that we have 3 "normal" embryos. Huge, giant exhale. Ideally I was hoping for 4 but 3 made me perfectly happy.
After acupuncture, Dr. D came in with our PGD report to discuss the results. We all decided without any hesitation that all 3 embryos would be transferred. He held the information on a clipboard. It listed the findings from all 8 embryos with the 3 good embryos highlighted. He explained that the findings were good. The 5 abnormal embryos each had a different problem. One had Down Synd.rome. I can't remember the names or the other abnormalities. He thought that the ratio of normal vs. abnormal was well within acceptable range. Thank you God!
Then the shock came. He gave us the report on our normal embryos. He said "the first embryo is a normal hatching blastocyst female, the second is a normal morula male, and the third is a normal morula female." He just blurted out the genders of our embryos before we could even stop him. I wanted to be mad but the information was so exciting that I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my face. Two girls and a boy! Absolutely amazing that we have that information. It brought everything that we are doing back into focus and let me imagine for a moment what could come of this if it works. It was a mistake on his part and I'm surprised to say that I'm so glad he made it.
The transfer went smoothly after that. Our beautiful embryos are home.
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