Friday, October 10, 2008

Eight is Enough

Eight is more than enough actually. Wow, what a blessing! All 8 of our little embryos were going strong on day 3. I was shocked that every single one was fighting through. They were all between 7 and 10 cells on day 3. Dr. D decided to biopsy all of them and send the cells off to San for PGD.

I am so thankful that we made it past the PGD hurdle. We have been praying that we would be able to do the testing to increase our odds. Now I'm terrified to hear the results. Chances are that about half of the embryos will be "good". I can't help but think about what will happen if they're all bad, or 95% bad. Oh boy.

We'll find out the PGD results when we go in for our transfer tomorrow morning. We have to be there at 9:30. It's such an amazing feeling to think that tomorrow our embies will be back with me. Oh please God, let them hang on tight this time!

1 comment:

theworms said...

Sending you tons of sticky baby dust. Hang on tight little ones!

Gl and you're in my prayers.