Saturday, September 27, 2008

IVF #4: First Stim Check

I was a little surprised today when I had my meeting with my second husband, aka, the ultrasound wand. I've only had 3 days of stims but I'm already getting really sore and tender around my ovaries. The ultrasound was really uncomfortable.

The follies on my left ovary were still too small to measure but my right side already has some action. They measured 5 follies and one was already at 15. It actually had me a little worried but the nurse assured me that I'm not stimming too fast. I felt much better when I found out that Dr. D wants to keep me on 225 units of Follistim. If he wants my dosage to stay the same then he must like what is happening, at least that's what I hope.

The crappy part is that I have to start mixing in luv.eris and also taking ganar.elix shots tonight. I'm scared of the ganar.elix needles. They are pre-filled syringes and the needles suck. Last time the needles always wanted to bounce off of my skin. They never went in smoothly. Sometimes it took a few tries and by then the needles were so dull. Yikes! Ok, I'm not going to think about it because it has to be done. Without the ganar.elix I could loose my big follies and we can't let that happen.


Leah said...

Yikes! Shots other than follistim are just sucky. They are just gross going in...I know what you mean. Just had my first check after 3 days of stims and we are just about the same follicle wise. My biggest is's to a successful cycle! Good luck!

Marley said...

Thanks Leah! Glad to know I'm not alone. Sounds like we're cycle buddies:) Good luck to you!