Monday, September 22, 2008

Best Day Ever

J sent me to the spa and it was a beautiful thing. I spent the whole day there :) I worked out in their gym then ate lunch by the pool. I had a Swedish massage and then took a nap in my robe on a lounge chair. It doesn't get much better than that. It was a beautiful, perfect, sunny day and the ocean views were breath taking.

It was so therapeutic because it's not just a spa. It's a magical place. It's the place that brought me to J and the place where we were engaged. It's our place. It reminds me of all that we have and how very lucky we are.


the*worms said...

That sounds so amazing. I am sooo jealous. Maybe I'll plan a spa day for me and D when he heals up.

theworms said...

Sorry, David post is me. Was logged in with other account.

Marley said...

Ha-ha! Thanks Worms! I was wondering what type of guy would want to read my blog :)