Saturday, May 31, 2008

18 Eggs!

I'm lounging around recovering from today's egg retrieval. In order to appreciate the outcome you have to compare it to my last IVF cycle. Last time I used the long Lupron protocol to prevent overstimulating. I guess I got my money's worth out of the Lupron because I was over suppressed. My egg retrieval for IVF #1 resulted in only 7 eggs. I was crushed and shocked after expecting to produce 3 times that amount.

This cycle Dr. D changed my protocol. He wanted me to produce 15-20 this cycle. I didn't use any Lupron and increased my Follistim to 225. It seemed that things were going better initially and then the follicles on my left ovary started lagging. My left ovary has always under preformed. It was totally covered in endo and now it just can't keep up. At my pre-op appointment yesterday Dr. D told me that the most we should hope for is 12 eggs. I tried not to show it but I was totally disappointed.

J and I have been praying for a high egg count. I came out of surgery and was so happy to hear my doctor say "18". I thought I was still asleep so I had to ask him to repeat it. Needless to say, I was relieved. Eighteen eggs means that we have a chance at 18 embryos! Now we are back to praying, this time for a great fertilization report.

Today is the ILs 39th wedding anniversary. I think it just might be a luck day.

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